Martes, 14 de Mayo de 2024 08:37 | Municipios Puebla

Consejos para el debate que Claudia, Máynez y Xóchitl no me han pedido

Mejor humor que desprecio. El desprecio resérvalo para un solo momento, Claudia, en el que plantees la superioridad ética de Morena y las razones por las que resulta moralmente imposible el regreso del PRI y del PAN

El experto estadounidense

David Gergen es uno de los más famosos asesores de presidentes de Estados Unidos, tanto republicanos como demócratas. Colaboró con Reagan y Clinton, fue director de Comunicación de la Casa Blanca y, si no me equivoco, ahora mismo es profesor de Harvard.

Gergen escribió “20 consejos para los debates políticos”. Los reproduzco en inglés para no caer en errores de traducción. Claudia Sheinbaum domina ese idioma, podrá comprenderlos. Xóchitl necesitará que alguien se los explique.

David Gergen’s 20 General Tips for Political Debates


1.- Prepare thoroughly:

2.- Adopting a general strategy:

Remember that usually audiences must like and admire you personally and be inclined emotionally in your direction before they will listen to the logic of your arguments


3.- Settle upon 3 or 4 key points to drive home:

4.- Always remember that your main audience is on the other side of the television camera, not in the studio. Even as you engage with the moderator and your opponent, make sure you are always reaching your main audience.

5.- Preparation and sound bits:

6.- Take care in criticizing the other side:

7.- Condense arguments to their essentials; find a pithy sentence or two to make them memorable.

8.- Back up arguments with concrete examples, evidence that is graphic and easy to understand.

9.- Answer the question first and then, if it helps, use that as a springboard to make the point you want. Don’t be afraid to rephrase the question, but don’t do it too often.

10.- Draw upon the past to light the way to the future:

If your opponent makes a strong, persuasive point, don’t be afraid to acknowledge it but then find a way to blunt its effectiveness.

11.- If your opponent makes a hard charge against you, answer it. A charge left unanswered can be interpreted as a charge that is true. But don’t let your opponent get under your skin… EVER… and don’t let him throw you off your own message. If you play defense all night, you won’t score many points.

12.- Don’t be overly aggressive or hot. Television is a cool medium.

13.- Be flexible –robot-like response can kill you.

14.- Always assume that the camera is watching you.

15.- Effective ripostes:

16.- For the want of a nail, a kingdom can be lost:

17.- Have your staff prepared for the post-debate debate with the press.

18.- Ensure that your events just after a debate are attended by huge, enthusiastic crowds.

19.- If you have blown something in the debate, be prepared to admit your mistake fast.

20.- Enjoy yourself and the debate.

Mis ideas para Claudia Sheinbaum inspiradas en los 20 consejos de David Gergen:

Mis ideas para Xóchitl Gálvez inspiradas en los 20 consejos de David Gergen:

¿Qué debe hacer Máynez?


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